Home / Dream about Watching Someone Fall

Dream about Watching Someone Fall

Dream about watching someone fall represents how aware you are about a particular thought or situation. You are feeling insecure, either physically or emotionally. You are subconsciously rebelling against authority. The dream is a symbol for your feelings of insecurities and anxieties. You are on the wrong life path and need to alter your course.

Watching someone fall dream is a metaphor for a particular relationship or current situation in your life. Perhaps you are under the pressure of some deadline. You need to catch-up on something. Your dream is a premonition for your glamorous attitude. You need to pay close attention to your personal habits.

If you dreamt about watching someone fall:

watching someone fall dream

Things should go extremely well for you today, so don’t shy away from any part of it. In fact, take this opportunity to shine as brightly as you can. Crank up the power and project yourself out to the world. Bring out your radiant smile as often as possible – it’s contagious. There is tremendous power behind your self-confidence, so tackle everything with energy and enthusiasm.

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