Home / Dream about Water In Mouth

Dream about Water In Mouth

Dream about water in mouth signals good judgment and acceptance. Perhaps your actions have been counterproductive. You need to be extra cautious about how your approach your goals. Your dream is a signal for an impending eruption of emotions. You are on the defensive about some issue in your life.

Water in mouth dream is a message for your passive and docile nature. Perhaps you are having to deal with some feelings in some situation. Perhaps you are being snippy about some situation. It symbolises personal desires. You need to listen to directions carefully.

If you dreamt about water in mouth:

water in mouth dream

Is there some material need weighing on your spirit right now? If you can’t see how to solve the problem alone, why not discuss it with your friends? They may have some ideas. Today, the word “impossible” has been banished from the English language. Take advantage of the opportunity to look for solutions in unlikely places.

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