Home » Dream about Teeth Hole

Dream about Teeth Hole

Dream about teeth hole is a clue for lost security, comfort and companionship. Your goals are set too low. You find yourself entangled in some messy relationship or uncomfortable position. This expresses someone who is nuts or someone who is driving you crazy. You do not know what you want to do about something.

Teeth hole dream means emotional tension or your need for emotional release. Something that you had thought was left in the past is coming back to haunt you. You are incorporating a little variety in your life. The dream is a signal for manipulation. There is a lack in your planning of things.

If you dreamt about teeth hole:

Subtlety and silence will not get you where you want to go in your current bid to attract the attention of someone special. The energy at play today encourages you to wear brighter clothes, put on your loveliest smile, and go and talk to them. The more open, honest, warm, and genuinely enthusiastic you can be about them and life in general, the better. Don’t chicken out.

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