Home / Dream about Gold Dog

Dream about Gold Dog

Dream about gold dog is a premonition for your emotional needs and desires. You need to put closure on some situation. You need to catch-up on something. The dream suggests your burdens, work load and responsibilities. You are grappling with a problem in your personal or professional life.

Gold dog dream is a harbinger for fear and humiliation. You are pretending to be something you are not. You are afraid of not fitting in. This is a hint for resolution to a conflict or problem. You feel that you have been wronged.

If you dreamt about gold dog:

gold dog dream

You may have to take a break today from your time in the clouds. Touch down and deal with practical issues that you normally avoid. There’s a great deal of strength to your emotions, and your nature is more aggressive than usual. Use this powerful energy combination to your advantage. Don’t let others steer you in a direction you don’t want to go.

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