Home / Dream about Being Bitten In The Back

Dream about Being Bitten In The Back

Dream about being bitten in the back is sadly a warning alert for a lack of happiness in your life. You have missed your chance. Some of your conservative views are in conflict with your liberal and wild side. It is a symbol for how you are feeling – emotionally cold and frigid. You feel that your relationship is inflexible, unyielding or going nowhere.

Being bitten in the back dream expresses feelings of guilt and unworthiness. You may be giving off a false impression and passing the views of others as your own. There is some unresolved issue or inner turmoil that you need to work through. It is a harbinger for a lack of creativity, power or strength. You do not have a firm grip and solid foundation on your advanced position.

If you dreamt about being bitten in the back:

being bitten in the back dream

Your mind always tends to be quick and agile, but today you might find it going a thousand miles an hour as a result of intriguing new information received through books, newspapers, television, or the Internet. Discussions with others could also contribute. You might decide to embrace some innovative new concepts that could lead to an expansion of your horizons. At some point, go for a workout. You need to balance the mental with the physical.

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