Home / Dream about Plane Crash Into Building

Dream about Plane Crash Into Building

Dream about plane crash into building is an omen for your need for security and to be protected. You have pushed yourself to the limits. Perhaps you are being to judgmental. This dream draws attention to a life-changing decision. You are afraid of taking risks or chances.

Plane crash into building dream is about marriage, union, commitments and issues of the heart. You may be proclaiming your innocence in some situation. You need to take charge of your life. Your dream is a symbol for your stamina. You need to be more open and receptive to others’ opinions and ideas.

If you dreamt about plane crash into building:

plane crash into building dream

Debilitating indecision may plague you. You’ve been coasting along letting your good luck see you through to prosperity. It’s like you’re tied to a rope and constantly testing its limits. Unfortunately, you could hit a snag and feel you can go no further. Emotional issues suggest that you didn’t take your feelings into account. It’s time to reevaluate your approach.

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