Home / Dream about Dad Getting Shot

Dream about Dad Getting Shot

Dream about dad getting shot states the sweet taste of success. You need a clear direction and focused goal. You will rise above your problems and adversities. The dream is a hint for some significant life change as in a new job, new school, marriage, moving, etc. You are in tune with your surroundings.

Dad getting shot dream is sometimes a life of ease, comfort, warmth and of financial gains. The odds are working against you. You feel free to express yourself in a situation. This dream is a metaphor for stamina and agility. You are experiencing new awareness that is unfolding in your life.

If you dreamt about dad getting shot:

dad getting shot dream

A social event or group rally could put you in touch with some new and exciting people in interesting fields. You might even run into an old friend you haven’t seen for a long time. If you aren’t currently romantically involved, an attractive new person could come on the scene. This promises to be an exciting and stimulating day for you. Don’t be surprised if new doors to a great future open for you. Enjoy!

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